SEO as a professional with these tips and techniques for building links

Contrary to other articles that you have read, the construction of links is not dead. In fact, he is alive and kicking, only in a renewed form. Which clearly means that old and obsolete tips and link building techniques are not working.

If you want to take advantage of the creation of viable links today, you must keep up with the new rules established by Google and other search engines.
Now, before we really get to the "meaty" part of our link building boards and understand how to apply them, let's first look...

What do we mean by "Backlinks"?

Nowadays, many DigitalMarketing Company are not clear about what a backlink is and how to obtain it. In simple terms, a backlink is any link that is placed on another external website. Hence the term "outbound links" or "external links".
The goal you should have is to get as many relevant links as possible, instead of getting links from everywhere. Remember that these links must be from reputable sources. When it comes to ranking online and impressing Google, the key is relevance along with quality.

What makes backlinks so important?

Google was never the first search engine to launch, because there were already great players on the Internet who helped people find websites in the 90s. However, since the Internet was not as big as it is today, it simply they classified the websites simply by content, and nothing else.
Today, Google operates differently. With their popular PageRank algorithm, they had more power than any other search engine. Armed with this cutting-edge technology, Google not only analyzed the content of a page, but also gave priority to the number of websites linked to it. Link the construction tips, while this was a definitive game change back then, the entire PageRank model has gone through major updates. But still, the importance of links has not diminished. Even today, you will find that Google counts the backlinks (both in quantity and quality) as one of the strongest classification signals.

4 building tips for harmful links to stay away from

Before seeing how you can get backlinks on your site, it is important to know what kind of backlinks you should avoid at all costs.
There is no one who actively prevents you from getting a backlink from anywhere, and that is the risk. If you decide to use the wrong type of links, you will be more likely to be penalized by Google. Depending on how bad these links are, you could end up getting an algorithmic or manual penalty.
So make sure that...

1. Say no to the most irrelevant links

While it is impossible to be 100% safe from irrelevant links, at least you should try to stay away from the majority. Concentrate on being relevant with your link building, as much as possible.

2. Say no to public networks

Buying backlinks is easy on the web, especially from a public network. And that's what makes them bad. You will not find these networks calling themselves public, but that is what they are. No "private network of blogs" is announced openly.
What you have to understand here is that public networks are bad for building links. Not only because they sound unethical, but also because Google has never favored them. In fact, any website that takes advantage of a network of this type enters the bad books of Google. Which means that your ranking can go by a raffle.
Google knows exactly how to identify these public networks, because of these red flags.
Red Flag # 1: find a lot of outbound links on the home page of these networks, and Google knows that a normal home page will not be linked to 50-60 websites.
Red flag # 2: these outbound links are not relevant to the network, nor to each other. You can find a link to a betting site right next to a link to a fitness blog.
Red flag # 3: most of the content published on these networks is in the pre-Google-Panda era. In other words, it is super thin (no more than 300 words).

3. Say no to do, follow the comments of the blog

As we will see later in this blog post, blog comments for the construction of links are not bad. It's only bad when you do it wrong.
A blog that accepts follow-up links in the comment usually sees crowded spammers. A lot of outgoing links that are not relevant is a big red flag.
Strictly speaking, you do not want your link to be in the same vicinity as these backlinks. Because being in the "bad neighborhood" will send the wrong signal to Google. The more you avoid this environment, the better it will be for the SEO of your site.

4. Say No to the sidebar / Footer links

People can argue that there is nothing wrong with placing your backlink in the sidebar or footer. However, there is still risk with such a link location because they look like sponsored / paid links. Even if your intention is genuine, Google would not have a clue.
In addition, it is against Google's rules to sell any type of backlinks, but that is exactly what suppliers do. You will find yourself in a bad neighborhood again. It is likely that most of these sites are not relevant to your link. However, that does not prevent a provider from saying yes to virtually any offer presented to them for the money.
Let's see now the suggestions for creating links that you can use today to improve the ranking of your site in the search engines...

Build real relationships

With the rise of social networks and influential marketing, the importance of building relationships has multiplied. If you want to survive online and grow your business, then you need relationships. If you want to get more social resources, you need to build relationships. And, if you want links in good quantity and high quality, you guessed it, you need to invest in building relationships.
Most black hat SEO users do not focus on such tips and techniques of link building, because they point in the wrong direction. But people who have established good relationships in the online marketing world, trust them.
You will not even have to ask for a link when you have the right relationships. You will attract them anyway. Of course, the condition for this to happen is that you regularly publish high quality content that offers real value.
Since most good relationships start with what you can offer the other person, you should focus on giving in the initial stages. Bloggers and influential people will be more than happy to help you if you help them voluntarily.
The first step to building a great relationship is to find excellent (and relevant) people with whom to connect. Whether you search them on Google or search them on Twitter, it's up to you.
Once you have selected the bloggers and influential people with whom you want to move forward, connect to them on social media.

Ask about backlinks

The construction of quality links does not have to be complicated. In fact, sometimes it's as simple as asking bloggers or other relevant websites to link with you. It does not matter if your site is new or if you know a few people in your niche. You can always approach small and medium-sized sites that have already linked to sites similar to yours.
In addition, this link does not necessarily have to be embedded in the content. If you can get a contextual link, great. Otherwise, you can even request a link on the resource page or some other relevant page on the site.
The point is that, whenever you are in contact with relevant websites without being spam, you should get a favorable response. If the page on which you are creating links offers valuable offers to your audience, many of them will be happy to link with you.
Here is an email requesting a backlink in a creative way...

Create and publish research content

Speaking of tips for building links, how can we forget the well-researched content?
If there is a type of content that is difficult to create but has a high chance of getting backlinks, then the content should be investigated in the form of e-books, reports and articles. When compared to regular content, it is on another level because of the value it provides to readers.
Today's most successful blogs spend time creating content backed by real research. What not only makes its content credible, but also attracts a touch of retreat. The fact is that the researched content will not be ignored in the websites that wish to link with excellent content.
The idea is to create content that shows the area of ​​experience of your brand. Your goal should be to show your readers that what you say is real and is backed by objective information. However, this does not mean that its content is too technical. Write in a language that your audience can understand and connect to.
To ensure that your content does not fall on the boring side, be sure to include visual elements that help readers better understand the data. Any editor in your niche who wants to give more value to your readers will not hesitate to link to your content.

Use case studies intelligently

There are some link building tips that almost guarantee that you get high quality backlinks. What will not only help you do SEO, but also drive more business your way? Taking advantage of case studies for backlinks is one of those techniques that never fails to get results when executed correctly.
If your company publishes case studies on your website, you have the opportunity to obtain backlinks when using them. Contact your partners, suppliers or customers and ask them if they would be interested in working together on a case study that they will post on their own website.
Most of the time, companies want to show their audience / readers how a particular product helped them improve the business. If your product helps them do much more, then they will want to share it. Because he also highlights his own capabilities as a company. In return, you get a backlink that is more valuable.

Backlinks of content

Take advantage of infographics for more links
Everyone knows how effective guest blogging can be when it comes to creating relevant backlinks. But did you know that you could get even more links from reliable sources with the help of infographics?
The core of these two techniques is the same: getting people to publish their content. But infographics take their construction of links to a whole new level.
Many times you will notice that websites publish infographics, but do not bother to give a link to the source. This could be because the infographic itself gives credit to you, the creator. However, what you can do is approach all the websites that publish your infographic and ask them for a backlink.
The backlink of infographics while you are on it, you can also contact websites that have published infographics similar to yours. Ask them not only to share their infographics, but also a link to their website.

Create articles based on high quality lists

If you have been on the Internet long enough, you should already know the power of lists or list-based articles. They are literally everywhere, mainly because they work very well in terms of getting shares, comments and yes, backlinks. Of the many links building tips, this may be the most underestimated.
According to BrainStudioz, the publications on the list generate the most backlinks compared to other content formats, including infographics and videos.
Now, keep in mind that it is easy to make mistakes with the lists of publications. There are many items based on lists that are terrible in terms of value delivery. You do not want to do that.
What you should aim for is to create lists that contain a lot of value and are easy to read. With each article in your list publication, your audience should get something new to learn. Because when they see real value in them, they will not hesitate to link it.
Here are some things you can do to make your publication stand out from the rest:
·         Work on your headline and make it captivating.
·         Write an introduction that really introduces the reader to the topic.
·         Organize the points in the list in the most logical way possible.
·         Explain each point in detail and make sure it is useful
·         Make it easy to scan and read using smaller paragraphs.
The best part of the publications on the list is that they can be easy to create compared to other types of articles. But that is exactly why they can be counterproductive. So make sure you spend enough time creating one.

Give genuine testimonies

If you look around, you will find that testimonials are commonplace online, especially on landing pages that sell products / services. The use of testimonials to create links is a proven suggestion among the many link building tips that you can implement. The reason it works is because it is a win-win scenario. Testimony links
You will find that online companies are happy to take your testimony and post it on your website. Even if you are new to the product, you may be offered a free copy or sample in exchange for your review. Creating backlinks with the help of testimonials is a genuine technique with which Google has no problem.
If you are ready for it, follow these steps to begin:
Make a list of all your customers and also of the products you are currently using.
Next, make a list of the products you have used and you can provide a review if given the opportunity.
If you are already a client, contact them and ask them if they can send their testimony.
If you are not the product user, request a copy / sample review.
Once you receive a favorable response, send your comments in a few words and include the link to your site.
The reason why this works better is because you are giving something before asking. And that makes all the difference.

Claim brand mentions

Do you find websites / blogs that mention it to you or your brand without linking them? It happens more often than you imagine. There may be many reasons why you do not get the link where it should be. But above all it is because they did not take the additional step.
One of the many simple but effective tips for building links is to find places where you have been mentioned and ask them to link it.
Each brand mention is an opportunity for you to obtain a highly relevant backlink. And it's also easier because they already know you and maybe even keep you at a high level.


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